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Creating A Morning Routine || When You Despise Mornings

January 10, 2020

Morning Routine

It’s 2020, a new century, and my first post – ever!

New Year’s Resolutions: Some people love them, some people hate them.  I.LOVE.them!  Not only am I ringing in a new year, but I am also beginning another personal year around the sun.  It’s the perfect time to sit-down, reflect, and think about what I would like to achieve, change, keep, give, do, etc. for the next 365 days.  Oh, and I just love making lists & goal setting.

Creating A Morning Routine: One of the items that have been on my list (aka my vision board, more on this in another post) for years, has been to start and KEEP a morning routine. I.have.never.succeeded. I always find the perfect excuse to sleep in just 5 more minutes. And if I do wake up early, I start doing everything but partaking in quiet time. However, I am going to conquer that this century year.  If I want to strive to live a more holistically balanced life, then I know starting my mornings slower with more intention is the first step.  Heck, I can’t count how many articles and podcasts I have read about how high achievers and people that I admire have mastered the early morning routine and claim this is the best part of there day. This is the only time of day they have to themselves, where they wake up fresh, with a creative mindset, and ready to start the day centered & grounded. I want that too! I want each morning to begin with intention, clarity, balance, and purpose.  I want to find a daily routine filled with stuff that makes me want to jump out of bed and start my day!

So here it is:

That’s it!

And If Morning Routines Aren’t For You, there are ways to make it your own.  Try having your quiet time an hour or so before bed.  Or if you are a busy mom, early worker, etc. and the morning time is for precious sleep – it’s also okay to divide your day into little segments.  Maybe try saying your gratitude list over coffee.  Setting your intention on the drive to work or turning your phone off two hours before bed.  There is not a right or wrong way to create a “Morning Routine” or build quiet time into your day.  However, many do say that the mornings are where the magic happens – they are sacred hours.  Before the sun rises, we rise, focus on Him, set our intentions, get inspired – and then we can begin our day and serve others.

It’s Okay To Tweak & Modify Your Routine: Sometimes life changes, and sometimes what we think will work for us doesn’t. Remember, it’s okay to tweak our routines until we find out what works and doesn’t work.  For me, I know at the end of the day I am not as creative. I know if I wake up early, I am starting my day clear and centered. But what I don’t know, is what time in the morning is right for me and if I should add in an AM workout?  So I will let you know what I end up modifying.

Do you have a morning routine? Any suggestions on adding something to mine?  And how do you stick to yours?  Would love to chat about this over on Instagram.

XO Peaches,



Tags: mind, wellness, whole-body living

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